Reflecting on 2022

Well it’s no secret that 2022 has not been a banner reading year for me. This blog has sat dormant and my books have sat gathering dust for many months now. 2022 is the first year on record that I have not met my reading goal and while I knew it was coming it was a particularly hard blow to be met with this morning.

I initially wanted to read more than 100 books this year. I read 150 in 2021 and, while I was proud of that accomplishment, I felt there were a lot of times where I was racing through books just to mark them as read rather than savoring them as I should have. My intention with setting a more modest (yet still rather lofty) goal for 2022 was that I could actually take the time to enjoy the books I was reading or at least more deeply understand them.

Then I got pregnant and with that came months of nausea where I couldn’t even look at words on a page without getting sick, followed by the worst reading slump of my life, and then life with a newborn which, while being incredible and rewarding, is not full of free time during which I can dive into a new fantasy novel.

However; tomorrow starts a new year and new goals. My daughter is 3.5 months old and while I still have precious little free time I am navigating motherhood well enough at this stage to have found small amounts of time I can tuck away for myself (and I’m blessed with a husband who is always willing to let me disappear and spend hours reading in the bath on rough days).

I expect 2023 to bring a lot of joys and equally as many challenges, but one challenge in particular I have set for myself is to absolutely prioritize reading again and to make time for this blog which has brought me a significant amount of joy and fulfillment over the years. Sentiments I would love to find myself reunited with. Hopefully you, dear reader, find joy in my posts as well.

What are your goals, reading or otherwise, for 2023? Let me know. I’d love to hear them!


Book Review: The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi by Shannon Chakraborty


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